Saturday, March 8, 2014

I gotta start up this blog.

Good Morning !!   2014 is going to be a spectacular year for our garden, I can just feel it !  I'm not going to lie, 2013 was a pretty good year too but THIS year is gonna be great.  This is gayle and my third season gardening together and we're really getting the crop rotation thing down.  We're putting the peas where nightshades were to add nitrogen to the soil, lettuces and leafy greens are going where the eggplant was (goosefoot follow nightshades) and tomatoes are following beans, beans are following root crops. I found the Farmers Almanac  (book and website) very helpful in figuring out crop rotation, companion planting, planting by the moon phase : / and exactly which dates to plant which crop.  Sometimes the tried and true Almanac wins out over new fangled gardening books and fancy web sites.   Here's  a map of the proposed plan. It's a work in progress but it's gonna look something like this. Thought ?